Category: general
Interactive Session On Decision Making
Workshop by: Rituj Sahu Rituj Sahu is a policy researcher and works on issues related to farmer welfare and agricultural innovations. He studied Economics from Delhi University and later on went on to be a part of the Young India Fellowship, a coveted program in liberal arts. He has taken a keen interest in social… Continue reading Interactive Session On Decision Making
Terrorism is a tricky term to define. Governments from Asia to the Americas have yet again been unable to form consensus over what exactly the term signifies. Just as the history regarding terrorism did not end on 26/11 Mumbai attacks, it did not begin on 9/11. Only due to the narrow geopolitical differences, the world… Continue reading IS IT TIME FOR AN INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON ‘TERRORISM’?
A workshop on “Global Warming
A workshop was organised on “Global Warming and importance of Clean Energy” by a prominent Environmentalist and Communications expert Dr Seema Javed on 27 October 2018 in the Udaya Auditorium. Dr Javed is an independent journalist & at the forefront of environmental activism in UP. She uses storytelling as an effective medium to engage with young… Continue reading A workshop on “Global Warming
“Charity begins at home.” With this noble thought in the heart, the esteemed members of our Council embarked the journey on 1 November, 2018 to spread awareness among the fellow city-dwellers regarding the adverse effects of bursting crackers on air quality and our health. We thank the Management, Social Club Teacher Incharge – Mrs. Meeta… Continue reading Untitled
Our Achievement
New feather in the cap of knowledge of our preceptor Mrs. Vineeta Singh, Ms. Saumya Tiwari,Mrs. Seema Mishra has been added recently as they completed high order thinking skills training conducted by Oxford University Press (Department of University of Oxford) and decorated them with critical thinking skills for the new generation learners, giving Udaya a… Continue reading Our Achievement
दिनांक 6 फरवरी, 2019 को उदया पब्लिक स्कूल के सभागार में यातायात नियमों से सम्बन्धित नियमों की जानकारी सड़क सुरक्षा परिवहन के अधिकारी “शैलेन्द्र कुमार तिवारी” व “शैहपर किदवई” ने दी। सड़क सुरक्षा से सम्बन्धित चित्रकला एवं मुक्कड़ नाटक का आयोजन किया गया जिसमें उदया स्कूल के छात्र छात्राओं ने बखूबी प्रदर्शन किया। बच्चों को… Continue reading Untitled
Poem written by Manasvi Singh
gkSalyksa dh mM+ku gkSalyksa ds ia[kks ls dke;kch dh mM+ku Hkjuh gS] vklek&,&eafty rd igqWapdj viuh ,d igpku j[kuh gSA dqN ckft+;ksa dks gkjs gSa rks D;k gkj dj thrus dk et+k gh dqN vkSj gS vc rks gj ckt+h dks thruk gS gesa vkf[kj gkj dh dher tks vnk djuh gSA gS Hkjkslk fd… Continue reading Poem written by Manasvi Singh
‘श्री रामचन्द्र मिशन, युनाइटेड नेशन्स इन्फार्मेशन सेन्टर एण्ड हार्टफुलनेस एजुकेशन ट्रस्ट’ द्वारा एक राष्ट्र स्तरीय निबन्ध लेखन प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया गया जिसका विषय था ‘एक विवेक मस्तिष्क का होता है और एक विवेक ह्रदय का’। इस प्रतियोगिता में प्रतिभाग करते हुए उदया पब्लिक स्कूल की कक्षा 11-अ2 की छात्रा ‘श्रेया पाण्डेय’ तथा कक्षा 11-अ1… Continue reading Untitled
दिनांक 5 से 7 जनवरी, 2019 के बीच प्रधान डाकघर, फैज़ाबाद में एक मण्डल स्तरीय डाक-टिकट प्रदर्शनी – 2019 का आयोजन किया गया जिसमें विभिन्न प्रतियोगिताएं आयोजित की गई। दिनांक 6 जनवरी, 2019 को ‘पिक-ए-स्टैम्प’ प्रतियोगिता में प्रतिभाग करते हुए उदया पब्लिक स्कूल के 12(जीव-विज्ञान) के छात्र ‘प्रवीण कुमार’ ने ‘दादा भाई नौरोजी’ विषय पर… Continue reading Untitled