Kisandaspur Govt. Primary College

Celebrating Diwali with Kisandaspur Govt. Primary College students Our students visited Kisandaspur Govt. Primary College to share joys of Diwali with sweets and gift packs for their peers.

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Class- UKG, Syllabus | Term- I (2021-22)

English Oral –Rhymes – If I were an apple , I am a littleteapot , Pussy cat Pussy car , TrafficLight.English Witten –Words of sound a,e,i,o,uSound BlendsDouble Letter WordsDigraphsRelated exercises. Maths Oral & Written–Forward counting 1 to 200Backward counting 100 to 1Number names 1 to 50What comes After/Before/BetweenPut the sign (> , < , =)Bigger… Continue reading Class- UKG, Syllabus | Term- I (2021-22)

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Class- LKG, Syllabus | Term- I (2021-22)

 *Maths Written*  Backward counting 20- 1. After, before, between.  Find the odd one. Match with their shapes.   *Maths Oral*  Backward counting 20-1. After, before, between. Shapes name.  *English Written*  Small letter a to z.  Fill in the blanks. Color the picture and write its first letter.   *English Oral*  a to z letter. Poem- My Red… Continue reading Class- LKG, Syllabus | Term- I (2021-22)

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