Interview Panel for Kanak Tripathi Memorial Scholarship

We congratulate Ms. Jagriti Chaturvedi, Ms. Ruchi Bishwas and Mr. Shailendra Srivastava for their selection in the Interview Panel of prestigious Kanak Tripathi Memorial Scholarship: Round 3. We thank Interlancy Education for smoothly carring out the whole process.

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Kanak Tripathi Memorial Scholarship Competition

Kanak Tripathi Memorial Scholarship Competition: the annual Scholarship exam of Udaya Public School, Ayodhya Round 1: Subjective KnowledgeRound 2: Writing SkillsRound 3: One on One Interview Successfully organized in collaboration with Interlancy Education Pvt. Ltd. Results soon to be announced!

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Udaya Film Fest

Udaya Film Fest screening of one of the best Indian films produced this year! for Classes 9th and 11th

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Kisandaspur Govt. Primary College

Celebrating Diwali with Kisandaspur Govt. Primary College students Our students visited Kisandaspur Govt. Primary College to share joys of Diwali with sweets and gift packs for their peers.

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