Class- 3, Syllabus | Term- I (2021-22)

            UDAYA PUBLIC SCHOOL              SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT-1 Syllabus 2021              Class-3 English-I. Chapter-1 Paper Kite                   Chapter-2 Ellie Makes New Friends                  Chapter-3 The Coconut Tree                 Chapter-4 Brother                 Chapter-5. The Dreamcatcher                 Chapter-6 The Donkey in the Well                Chapter-7 The Birds’ Bath English grammar- Chapter-1 Sentences                                  Chapter-2 Nouns                                   Chapter-3 Verbs… Continue reading Class- 3, Syllabus | Term- I (2021-22)

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FA Schedule: Classes 9to12

FA Schedule for Classes 9 to 12 CLASS IX FA-2 SCHEDULE SUBJECT DATE English 24/07/2021 Hindi 31/07/2021 Maths 07/08/2021 Science 14/08/2021 Social Science 21/08/2021 FIT 28/08/2021 CLASS X FA-2 SCHEDULE SUBJECT DATE English 23/07/2021 Hindi 30/07/2021 Maths 06/08/2021 Science 13/08/2021 Social Science 20/08/2021 FIT 27/08/2021 CLASS XI FA-1 & 2 SCHEDULE SUBJECT DATE (FA-1) DATE… Continue reading FA Schedule: Classes 9to12

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Wise Owl Digital Library

Wise Owl Digital Library New Batch Starting Soon!! Time Slot 1: 8am to 12noonTime Slot 2: 12:30pm to 4:30pm Subscription Plans:Desktop Sitting Space- 500Rs/month Facilities: Computer with WiFi, Sports Center, Library, Cafe, Study Material, Problem Solving Sessions on demand of students Address: Udaya Public School Extension- New Building, Panchkosi Marg, Udaya Chauraha, Ayodhya Infrasturucture managed by Interlancy Education

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Hard Work vs Smart Work

Let’s Understand The Concept Hard Work vs Smart Work organised by Interlancy Education

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स्मृति-दिवस (31 मई)

स्मृति-दिवस (31 मई)उदया की जननी अदम्य साहस, दृढ़ संकल्प शक्ति एवं विलक्षण प्रतिभा की धनी, प्रेम एवं करुणा की प्रतिमूर्ति उदया पब्लिक स्कूल की संस्थापक-प्रबंधक, मनूचा गर्ल्स पीo जीo कॉलेज (फैज़ाबाद) की प्रवक्ता एवं महिला गर्ल्स पीo जीo कॉलेज (बस्ती) की प्राचार्या अप्रतिम डॉo कनक त्रिपाठी जी की पुण्य-स्मृति में उदया परिवार भाव-पूरित श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित… Continue reading स्मृति-दिवस (31 मई)

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Summer Holiday Homework (2021-2022)

Class Nursery 🪄 HINDI:-🍄Learn the poem of page no.3 and 5. 🪄 ENGLISH:-🍄Do page no. 3 and 4 from your Term- 1 (English Section ) book.🍄Learn the poem of page no.93 from Term-1 book. 🪄 MATHS :-🍄Do page no. 33-36 from your Term-1(Maths section) book. 🪄 G.K:-🍄 Find out the Red color vegetable,fruit and flower… Continue reading Summer Holiday Homework (2021-2022)

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