ENGLISH English Literature (Honeysuckle): Lesson (1-5) Who Did Patrick’s Homework? How The Dog Found Himself a New Master! Taro’s Reward An Indian-American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla A Different Kind of School Poem (1-4) A House, A Home The Kite The Quarrel Beauty English Supplementary (The pact with the sun): Lesson (1-5) A Tale of… Continue reading Class- VI, Syllabus | Term- I (2021-22)
Category: general
15th August Competitions
These competitions are organised on 12th August 2021, in their respective classes. ◆ Classes Nursery to 2 – Role Play any freedom Fighter ◆ Classes 3 to 5 – Create a craftwork of the Indian National Flag, and write the National Anthem on an A4 sized paper. ◆ Classes 6 to 8 – Create a… Continue reading 15th August Competitions
Class- 5, Syllabus | Term- I (2021-22)
UDAYA PUBLIC SCHOOL SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT CLASS – 5 SYLLABUS SCIENCE :- Chapter -1 How Plant Grow Chapter -2 Health and Hygiene Chapter -3 Safety and First Aid Chapter -4 Solid ,Liquid and Gas Chapter -5 Rocks, Minerals and Soil Chapter -6 Animals Around Us Chapter -7 Skeletal System and Nervous System… Continue reading Class- 5, Syllabus | Term- I (2021-22)
Class- 4, Syllabus | Term- I (2021-22)
UDAYA PUBLIC SCHOOL SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT CLASS – 4 SYLLABUS SCIENCE :- Chapter -1 Food our basic need Chapter -2 teeth and digestion Chapter -3 safety and first aid Chapter -4 cloth our protectors Chapter -5 solid liquids and gases Chapter -6 Soil Chapter -7 the green plants S.ST :- GEOGRAPHY Chapter… Continue reading Class- 4, Syllabus | Term- I (2021-22)
Class- 3, Syllabus | Term- I (2021-22)
UDAYA PUBLIC SCHOOL SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT-1 Syllabus 2021 Class-3 English-I. Chapter-1 Paper Kite Chapter-2 Ellie Makes New Friends Chapter-3 The Coconut Tree Chapter-4 Brother Chapter-5. The Dreamcatcher Chapter-6 The Donkey in the Well Chapter-7 The Birds’ Bath English grammar- Chapter-1 Sentences Chapter-2 Nouns Chapter-3 Verbs… Continue reading Class- 3, Syllabus | Term- I (2021-22)
Class- XII, Syllabus | Term- I (2021-22)
ENGLISH CORE HINDI MATHEMATICS Relation and function Inverse trigonometric function Matrix Determinants Continuity and differentiability Application of derivative Linear programming PHYSICS CHEMISTRY 1. The solid state 2. Solutions 3. Haloalkane and haloarene 4. ALCOHOL phenol and ethers 5. BIOMOLECULES 6. The P block ELEMENTS BIOLOGY Chapter 2: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants. Chapter 3: Human… Continue reading Class- XII, Syllabus | Term- I (2021-22)
Class- XI, Syllabus | Term- I (2021-22)
ENGLISH CORE HINDI MATHEMATICS (1) Set (2) Relation and function (3) Complex no. (4) Sequence and series (5) Statistics (6) Limit PHYSICS CHEMISTRY BIOLOGY Chapter 1: The Living World Chapter 2: Biological Classification Chapter 3: Plant Kingdom Chapter 4: Animal Kingdom Chapter 5: Morphology of Flowering Plants Chapter 7: Structural Organization in Animals Chapter 8:… Continue reading Class- XI, Syllabus | Term- I (2021-22)
Class- X, Syllabus | Term-I (2021-22)
ENGLISH *READING- Question based on the following kinds of unseen passages to assess inference, evaluation, vocabulary, analysis and interpretation: Discursive passage (400-450 words) Case based Factual passage (with visual input/ statistical data/ chart etc. 300-350 words) *WRITING SKILL- Formal letter based on a given situation. Letter to the Editor Letter of Complaint (Official) Letter of… Continue reading Class- X, Syllabus | Term-I (2021-22)
Class- IX, Syllabus | Term-I (2021-22)
ENGLISH *Reading- Question based on the following kinds of unseen passages to assess inference, evaluation, vocabulary, analysis and interpretation: Discursive passage (400-450 words) Case based Factual passage (with visual input/ statistical data/ chart etc. 200-250 words) * Writing- Descriptive paragraph (Person) Short Story (based on beginning line, outline, cues etc.) *Grammar- Tenses Subject-Verb Concord Modals… Continue reading Class- IX, Syllabus | Term-I (2021-22)
SA-1 Exam Schedule (2021-22)
UDAYA PUBLIC SCHOOL, AYODHYA Summative Assessment– 1 Examination Schedule– 2021-22 Class – Nursery to UKG DATE DAY SUBJECT 27 /09/2021 Monday Hindi Written + Hindi Oral 28/09/2021 Tuesday Art + Hindi Oral 29/09/2021 Wednesday G.K. Written/Oral + English Oral 01/10/2021 Friday English Written + English Oral 04/10/2021 Monday G.K. Oral + English Oral 05/10/2021 Tuesday… Continue reading SA-1 Exam Schedule (2021-22)