Gender Sensitisation

Gender Sensitisation is a methodology that is a part of our foray into Alternative Teaching Methods (ATM). As a CBSE affiliated school we don’t get to decide “what” to teach our students but we do get to tinker with the “how” to teach aspect. Keeping this in mind, we started organising seminars, games and workshops targeting young adolescents into thinking about gender and working towards ending gender based discrimination.

For instance, most of the students enrolled with us come from families where traditional gender roles are followed i.e Fathers work outside, whereas Mothers look after the home and children. The traditional gender roles are being challenged in many realms across the globe but we try to combat the effect it has on young adolescents by designing graded assignments keeping the limitations of our students in mind.

We also include awareness programs using cultural references and explain historical roots of gender discrimination within the context of our nation. We believe graded assignments that are designed with a critical understanding of the Indian context have the power to start a conversation and make young minds rethink historical prejudices. The workshops also work towards mutual co-existence between genders within the school.

Within this section we will add videos and blog posts about our interventions, assignments and workshops. We hope that by putting our content out there we will get valuable feedback that can be useful and can help us further our cause in a more nuanced and dynamic way.


Adolescence Education Program: Presentation 1

Adolescence Education Program: Presentation 2

Adolescence Education Program: Presentation 3

Mental Health: Presentation

Bullying: Presentation

Self and Personlity: Presentation